I think the initial base building tutorial is not useful.

When Durotan is talking to Blackhand in the area, cut down to him more often and have Durotan move a bit towards Blackhand. Some cinematics could need more camera angles/movement and unit movement. The final chapter of Rise of the Horde might give the right inspiration. If possible, replace it completely with cutscenes that show stuff. The introductio text before the first cinematic is too long. Let's take these scenes then! The books have good dialogs - let's use them! That is what my project realy is, a compilation to tell the story to those who already know it and to those who might not know it yet. To merge and combine existing sources into a compiled story which will take the best from all of them. Then Chronicles Vol.2 released and the idea turned into something new.

I still know no campaigns which could tell this story in a modern way (I mean, WarCraft III way). My idea was to tell the story of the first two wars between the Orcs and Humans but in it's canon way, the way it existed in WarCraft lore according to various books and games existing. In the beginning this whole project was heavily. It has already been under development for about 4 or 5 years considering my longtime breaks from time to time. Hello there! After much doubt and torment I finally decided to share my little hobby project with the community.